Fred Thompson’s Pan-Islamist Campaign Manager

Posted July 27, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Uncategorized


As per Debbie Schlussel:

Don’t believe Thompson’s claim that he understands the Islamist jihadist threat to America. His announcement, yesterday, of his choice of Spencer Abraham as campaign manager, told us everything we need to know. Although Abraham, of Lebanese descent, is a Christian, he is a career water carrier for Islamists of the most extremist stripe and made that the cornerstone of his failed, one-term Senate career and equally lousy tenure as Energy Secretary.

As a Senator, he took marching orders from James Zogby of the pan-Islamist Arab American Institute, opposing profiling of Arabs, the use of secret evidence against Muslims (at the behest of Muslim groups), attempting to repeal the Clinton counterterrorism package, refusing to fund computer tracking of student and other foreign aliens, giving millions in our tax money right to Hezbollah, and putting CAIR on the map on Capitol Hill (taking the group’s officials around to meet other Senators and Members of Congress). He took campaign contributions from the relatives of Hezbollah-backed top Lebanese officials after he got the group millions in our tax money.

Spence was one of only two Senators in the entire U.S. Senate who refused to sign a letter calling on President Clinton to condemn Palestinian terrorism and Yasser Arafat. This was at the height of a series of homicide bombings in Israel in 1999 and 2000.



Michelle Malkin adds that besides being an Islamist sympathyzer, Spencer Abraham is also an Open Borders advocate:

In my 2002 book Invasion (p. 71, 76), I noted the open-borders obstructionism of former Sen. Spencer Abraham (R-Michigan), who fought to block the implementation of two different tracking databases–one for foreign student visa holders and the other for all temporary visitors (which was mandated by Section 110 of the 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act). Abraham led efforts to starve the first database of funding and crusaded several times to kill Section 110 altogether. On September 11, 2001, neither of those databases was in place. To this day, they remain incomplete.


Conservatives, Beware of Fred Thompson

Posted July 10, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Uncategorized

This thoroughly researched article by Richard Viguerie sums up what conservatives can expect from Fred Dalton Thompson were he to become the next president. Here is an excerpt:


Conservatives who look to Thompson for salvation need to pause and consider his record—a record that includes these votes:


FOR restricting the rights of grassroots organizations to communicate with the public. See ACU’s vote 3, 1998.


FOR allowing the IRS to require political and policy organizations to disclose their membership—a vote against the constitutional rights of free association and privacy. (The Clinton Administration used such IRS intimidation against conservative groups that opposed them.) See ACU’s vote 11, 2000.


AGAINST impeachment proceedings against President Clinton, specifically the reappointment and reauthorization of managers (drawn from the Republican membership of the House Judiciary Committee) to conduct the impeachment trial in the Senate. See ACU’s vote 1, 1999.


AGAINST an accelerated elimination of the “marriage penalty.” See ACU’s vote 10, 2001.


FOR handouts to politicians, specifically taxpayer funding of presidential campaigns. See ACU’s vote 6, 1995.


FOR handouts to politicians, specifically congressional perks such as postage and broadcast time funded by taxpayers. See ACU’s vote 13, 1996.


AGAINST restraints on federal spending, specifically the Phil Gramm (R-TX) amendment to limit non-defense discretionary spending to the fiscal 1997 levels requested by President Clinton. See ACU’s vote 6, 1997.


FOR affirmative action in federal contracts. See ACU’s vote 9, 1995.


FOR the Legal Services Corporation, the perennial liberal boondoggle that provides political activism disguised as “legal services” to Democratic constituencies. See ACU’s vote 16, 1995, and vote 17, 1999.


FOR an increase in the minimum wage, which, of course, increases unemployment among the young and poor. See ACU’s vote 16, 1996.


FOR President Clinton’s nomination of Dr. David Satcher as U.S. Surgeon General. Among other things, Satcher opposed a full ban on partial-birth abortion. See ACU’s vote 1, 1998.


FOR open-ended military commitments, specifically in regard to U.S. troops in Kosovo. See ACU’s vote 8, 2000.


FOR corporate welfare, specifically the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC). See ACU’s vote 23. 1999.


AGAINST worker and shareholder rights, specifically the Hatch (R-UT) amendment to require unions and corporations to obtain permission from dues-paying members or shareholders before spending money on political activities. See ACU’s votes 4 and 5, 2001.


AGAINST property rights and FOR unlimited presidential power, specifically by allowing President Clinton to implement the American Heritage Rivers Initiative, which he established by executive order, without congressional approval. See ACU’s vote 20, 1997.


FOR restricting the First Amendment (free speech) rights of independent groups. See ACU’s vote 23, 1997.


FOR the trial lawyers lobby, and specifically against a bill that would put common-sense limitations on the medical malpractice suits that increase health costs for all of us. (Of course! He’s been a trial lawyer himself for some three decades.) See ACU’s vote 18, 2002.


And, last but not least:


FOR limitations on campaign freedom of speech, by limiting contributions to national political parties to $2,000 and limiting the rights of individuals and groups to participate in the political process in the two months before elections. See ACU’s vote 7, 2002.





And this is only the tip of the iceberg. We highly recommend that conscientious conservatives read the entire article located here.

Thompson fought against the Republican Pro-Life Plank

Posted June 24, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Life Issues

As per Terry Jeffrey:

However, when Fred Thompson was in the United States Senate, both times he ran for the Senate he ran as a pro-choice candidate. He was against the Republican pro-life plank in 1996, when I was out in San Diego fighting to keep it in the platform. And I think he has to explain much more persuasively than Mitt Romney did why it is that he is now a pro-life.


Flip-flopping Fred?


UPDATE: CBN’s David Brody has uncovered more evidence to support this story. Read it here. Excerpt from 1996:

Fred Thompson says he seldom hears about abortion in campaign travels throughout Tennessee and hopes the issue is downplayed at the Republican National Convention. The Tennessee Republican, a pro-choice defender in a party with an anti-abortion tilt, is preparing for next week’s convention in San Diego. He said the party must avoid distracting issues and focus on electing Bob Dole as president. ‘We need to concentrate on what brings us together and not what divides us,’

Thompson: “John McCain is the Leader”

Posted June 20, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Immigration


Thompson in favor of Amnesty as long as it’s not “easy”

Posted June 15, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Immigration

In a recent appearance on the program Hannity and Colmes, Fred Dalton Thompson stated very clearly that getting the Illegal Alien Trespassers out of the country “is not gonna happen” and that the solution is to “work out a deal where they can have some aspirations of citizenship” but that we shouldn’t make it “easy” so that it is not unfair to the other Aliens waiting to get in. Pro Amnesty Fred?

Thompson voted to grant Amnesty to Cubans and Nicaraguans

Posted June 15, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Immigration

As reported by the site NumbersUSA:




Voted to grant amnesty to close to one million illegal aliens from Nicaragua and Cuba in 1997

Sen. Thompson voted to grant legal status to Nicaraguans and Cubans who had lived in the United States illegally since 1995, along with their spouses and minor unmarried children. The overall ten year impact of this legislation will be the addition of some 967,000 people to U.S. population.


Voted in 1996 to continue chain migration

Sen. Thompson in 1996 voted against the Simpson Amendment to S.1664. It was a vote in favor of a chain migration system that has been the primary reason for annual immigration levels snowballing from less than 300,000 in 1965 to around a million. Sen. Thompson supported provisions that allow immigrants to send for their adult relatives. Then each of those relatives can send for their and their spouse’s adult relatives, creating a never-ending and ever-growing chain. The bi-partisan Barbara Jordan Commission recommended doing away with the adult relative categories (begun only in the 1950s) in order to lessen wage depression among lower-paid American workers. The Simpson Amendment attempted to carry out that recommendation. But Sen. Thompson helped kill the reform by voting with the 80-20 majority against the amendment. Sen. Thompson’s vote helped continue a level of immigration that the Census Bureau projects will result in a doubled U.S. population in the next century.


Voted in favor of chain migration in 1996

Sen. Thompson voted in 1996 against the Feinstein Amendment to S.1664. The Feinstein Amendment would have reduced annual admission of spouses and minor children of citizens to 480,000 and significantly reduced annual limits other categories of chain migration such as parents of citizens and adult unmarried children of citizens. By voting against the Feinstein Amendment, Sen. Thompson voted in favor of a system of chain migration that has been the primary reason for annual immigration levels snowballing from less than 300,000 in 1965 to around a million today.


Voted to allow firms to lay off Americans to make room for foreign workers in 1998

Before the Senate passed the H-1B doubling bill (S.1723), Sen. Thompson had an opportunity to vote for a measure requiring U.S. firms to check a box on a form attesting that they had first sought an American worker for the job. Sen. Thompson voted against that, joining those who said the requirement would give government too much authority over corporations’ right to hire whomever they please from whatever country.


In 1996, removed higher fines for businesses which hire illegal aliens

Sen. Thompson, in committee consideration of S.1664 protected businesses from having to pay higher fines when they are caught hiring illegal aliens. Under the idea that current fines were not enough of a deterrent against businesses cutting their labor costs by hiring illegal aliens, the Senate immigration subcommittee approved higher fines. Various study commissions have found that the willingness of U.S. businesses to hire illegal aliens is the No. 1 incentive for foreign workers to become illegal aliens here. But Sen. Thompson voted with a 10-8 majority in the Judiciary Committee to remove the higher fines from the 1996 legislation against illegal immigration.


Tried to kill voluntary pilot programs for workplace verification in 1996

Sen. Thompson voted IN FAVOR of the Abraham Amendment to S.1664. He was part of a coalition of pro-business conservatives and liberal civil libertarians who tried to use the amendment to kill the establishment of voluntary pilot programs in high-immigration states. The programs were intended to assist employers in verifying whether people they had just hired had the legal right to work in this country. Such verification is considered by many experts to be an essential tool for withdrawing the job magnet from illegal aliens. The verification system established by S.1664 did not involve an ID card. Rather it provided that when new workers wrote down their Social Security number on an application, employers could phone into a national verification system to help assure that the number was a real number and belonged to the person giving it. In earlier smaller pilot programs, businesses had hailed the verification system for making it easier for them to avoid hiring illegal aliens. Sen. Thompson was unsuccessful in stopping the voluntary verification system. The Senate tabled the by a 54-46 vote.


Is Thompson a Tennesseean for Choice?

Posted June 14, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Life Issues

CBN’s David Brody has uncovered a Tennesseans for Choice questionnaire filled out by Fred Dalton Thompson circa 1996 in which he answered questions about his personal philosophy on the issue of abortion.

Fred Dalton Thompson bluntly answered with a “NO” when asked if he favored the criminalization of abortion.

Furthermore, Fred Dalton Thompson expressed support for the public financing of abortions in specific cases.

And as if that wasn’t enough, when asked about services or programs that he supports in order to minimize unplanned pregnancies, Fred Dalton Thompson stated that he voted to provide funding for the infamous Title X family planning programs.

You can read his answers to the questionnaire here.

Will Thompson’s Anti-Semitic roles turn him into an easy Target?

Posted June 13, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Uncategorized

While the Conservatives Against Fred Thompson don’t hold Fred Dalton Thompson’s movie roles against him personally we are concerned by recent developments in the political landscape (ie. George Allen “macaca” episode) that point to a growing intolerance of any hint of racism connected to those who seek higher office.

Fred Dalton Thompson played a White Supremacist character bent on demonizing the Jewish folk and who disparagingly referred to blacks as “mud people”. At one point he is shown attending a neonazi rally where he is presented with a copy of Mein Kampf in a scene where he is visibly touched and shows a great depth of emotion.

Predictably, the opposition is already sharpening its knives.

The Conservatives Against Fred Thompson present Knox Pooley:


In another movie role that can be the cause of ridicule in some circles, Fred Dalton Thompson played an aging Superman:

Thompson’s PAC transfered $178,000 to his Son

Posted June 13, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Corruption

Excerpts as reported by ABC News:

Former Tennessee Senator and potential Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson has shut down a political action committee that paid out more money to his son than it did in political donations.

Federal Election Commission records analyzed by the Blotter on show Thompson’s committee paid $178,000 to his son’s political consulting firm, Daniel Thompson Associates, since 2003.

In contrast, the committee made only $66,700 in contributions to other campaigns and political committees in the four years since Thompson retired from the Senate.


Contacted at his Nashville, Tenn., political consulting business, Daniel Thompson told ABC News he couldn’t talk because he was “about to leave for a business trip” and referred all questions to a spokesman for his father, who did not return calls from ABC News.


Thompson rated with a “C” by Americans for Better Immigration

Posted June 13, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Immigration

Fred Dalton Thompson’s report card as rated by the Americans for Better Immigration:

Immigration Report Card


Thompson Exploited the American troops to Sell Identity Theft Insurance

Posted June 12, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Corruption

Excerpts as reported by the LA Times:

Possible presidential candidate Fred D. Thompson is lending his voice to radio commercials for a company that says it fights identity thieves and that was co-founded by a man accused of taking money from consumer bank accounts without permission.

The one-minute commercials are airing across the country on behalf of Tempe, Ariz.-based LifeLock Inc., which said nearly 200,000 customers pay about $10 a month for services that include placing fraud alerts on their credit files.

LifeLock was co-founded in 2005 by Robert J. Maynard Jr., whom the Federal Trade Commission accused in 1996 of deceiving consumers with advertisements that suggested his credit-repair company could remove records of bankruptcies and delinquent payments.


In Thompson’s commercials, the deep-voiced actor recounts a tale of military heroism in Iraq, then introduces himself and says LifeLock’s service can stop identity theft and is offered free to deployed members of the military.

“While our heroes are protecting us, we have a duty to protect them,” Thompson says in his familiar, folksy cadence.

“I urge you to contact LifeLock.”


Fred Thompson’s Anti-Gun Senate Record

Posted June 11, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: 2nd Amendment

The Conservatives Against Fred Thompson volunteers have compiled a list of proposals supported by Fred Dalton Thompson in the senate that include Gun Bans, confiscations and limitations to the free speech of Gun Rights Advocates. Dates and bill numbers are provided so this information can be easily verified. Summary:

1. Anti-gun terror bill (S. 735 )

On June 7, 1995, the Senate passed an anti-gun terror bill (S. 735) by a vote of 91-8. This version of the terror bill included: a BATF pay increase of $100 million; a provision authorizing “roving wiretaps” allowing government officials to wiretap one’s home if a person under investigation visits the home — even if one had no knowledge the person was a suspect; a weakening of the Posse Commitatus law to give the military more authority to get involved in law enforcement in certain circumstances; a grant of power to the FBI to conduct “fishing expeditions” and secure one’s financial and travel records in certain circumstances without any evidence one has committed a crime; and finally, the “Randy Weaver entrapment provision” which extends the statute of limitations for violations under the National Firearms Act of 1934 from three to five years. Thompson voted in favor of the bill.

2. Anti-gun terror bill — final passage

On April 17, 1996, the Senate passed the conference version of the anti-terrorism bill by a vote of 91-8. The final version of the bill (S. 735) contained several problems, including ones that will: order an “anti-hunter” rifle and ammo study; authorize a $40 million pay increase for the BATF (through the Treasury Department); potentially punish gun dealers (and individuals) for selling ammunition to someone they should have known would commit a violent crime; federalize many state crimes, thus tremendously increasing the scope and jurisdiction of the BATF; restrict the right of habeas corpus in such a way as to severely damage the ability of the courts to rescue honest gun owners who are unjustly incarcerated; allow the government to use “secret evidence” against certain individuals; remove protections against wiretapping wireless data; and require banks to freeze the assets of domestic groups in certain situations. Thompson once again voted in favor of the bill.

3. Taggants in gunpowder

On September 12, 1996, the Senate voted (57-42) to keep an anti-gun amendment off of the Treasury-Postal appropriations bill (H.R. 3756). The Kerry amendment — which Thompson voted for— would have made funds available for a study of tagging explosive materials, including black and smokeless powders (thus setting the stage for registering ammunition). The amendment also sought to further demonize firearms by selectively examining the misuse of firearms by criminals. The study would not examine the number of times firearms are used to save the lives of decent citizens.

4. Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation gun ban

On September 12, 1996, the Senate passed the Lautenberg gun ban as an amendment to the Treasury-Postal appropriations bill (H.R. 3756). The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation Gun Ban disarms gun owners for small (misdemeanor) offenses in the home — “offenses” as slight as spanking a child or grabbing a spouse. This lifetime ban, in certain cases, can even be imposed without a trial by jury. It is also retroactive, so it does not matter if the offense occurred 20 years ago. Thompson voted in favor of the amendment.

5. Free Speech restrictions

On October 7, 1997, the Senate defeated an “Incumbent Protection Bill” (S. 25) which would have resulted in the government regulation of GOA’s newsletters and other communications with its members, while expanding the relative political power of the liberal media and other anti-gun forces. Senators failed in their effort, 53 to 47, to shut down a filibuster of the bill that was ostensibly aimed at reforming campaign finance laws.

6. Smith “Anti-Brady” Amendment

On July 21, 1998, pro-gun Senator Bob Smith (R-NH) introduced an “Anti-Brady” amendment that passed by a vote of 69-31. The Smith amendment would prohibit the FBI from using Brady background checks to tax or register gun owners. Further, the amendment requires the “immediate destruction of all [gun buyer] information, in any form whatsoever.” Finally, if the FBI disregards this latter provision, the Smith language will allow private citizens to sue the agency and collect monetary damages, including attorney’s fees. Thompson, in keeping with his tendency to usually vote for expanded federal police power, voted against this limitation of FBI registration of gun owners.

7. Anti-gun Clinton judge appointment

On February 11, 1998, the Senate voted 67-28 to confirm Margaret Morrow to the Federal bench. GOA vigorously opposed this Clinton-appointed judge, as she has not only taken strident anti-gun positions, she has showed herself to be a gun control activist.

8. Anti-gun Surgeon General

Having nominated anti-gun David Satcher for Surgeon General, President Bill Clinton was forced to wait several months as debate raged over his controversial pick. But on February 10, 1998, the President finally realized victory. By a vote of 75-23, anti-gun Republicans teamed up with the Democrats to kill the filibuster over the Satcher nomination. Mr. Satcher was later confirmed by a vote of 63-35. Since the key vote was to end the filibuster, that is the one that was rated by GOA.

9. Ending the filibuster of a major anti-gun crime bill

On July 28, 1999, the Senate ended a filibuster led by Senator Bob Smith (I-NH) — a filibuster intended to keep anti-gun crime legislation from progressing any further. After the 77-22 vote, the Senate moved to send the language of the anti-gun Senate crime bill (S. 254) to a House-Senate conference committee. Thompson voted to break the pro-gun filibuster.

10. Young adult gun ban

The young adult gun ban could severely punish parents who allow their kids to even touch a so-called semi-automatic “assault weapon.” While the amendment allows for certain exemptions, there are some imponderable questions which NO senator could answer, but which a parent would have to answer in order to avoid incarceration. For example: What is a “semiautomatic assault weapon”? The definition, plus exemptions, takes up six pages of fine print in the U.S. Code. Second, a child can handle a banned semi-auto if he is in the “immediate and supervisory presence” of a parent or if he possess a written permission slip from the parent. But what happens when, during a target practice session, the parent walks to the car to retrieve his lunch and the juvenile is no longer in the parents “immediate” presence and does not have a permission slip? A parent can receive jail time for this infraction. The provision passed the Senate on May 13, 1999, with Thompson voting in the majority.

11. Adopting the “Gun Control Lite” strategy

On May 13, 1999, a majority of Senators — including Thompson — defeated a motion to table (or kill) an anti-gun amendment introduced by Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Larry Craig (R-WY). This amendment was offered as an alternative to gun control proposals being pushed by Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

12. McCain’s Incumbent Protection (2000 version)

By 59 to 41, the Senate passed S. 27, to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act to include Incumbent Protection provisions. The bill severely curtails the ability of outside groups such as GOA to communicate the actions of incumbent politicians to members and supporters prior to an election.

13. Incumbent Protection (2002 failed filibuster)

This was the key vote in the Senate regarding the odious Incumbent Protection bill in 2002 (H.R. 2356). The legislation finally became law that year. As he had on previous occasions, Thompson voted in favor of the bill.

Thompson Lobbied for Presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Posted June 11, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Corruption

Fred Dalton Thomson filed papers with the Justice Department in 1991 to represent Presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide two weeks after he was deposed from power.

According to the papers, Fred Dalton Thompson stated his intent to lobby members of Congress and their staff, officials of the U.S. Department of State and the Office of the President of the United states on behalf of Presidente Aristide.

The website The Politico has obtained the papers filed by Fred Dalton Thompson at the justice department and here they are: Page1; Page2.

Fred Dalton Thompson received money payments from presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide with clear intent to affect changes in US foreign policy on his behalf. Claims that his actions constitute an act of treason were disputed by his spokesman.

UPDATE: Justin Raimondo has written an article that sheds more light on the Thompson-Aristide connection.

Presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide
Presidente Jean-Bertrand Aristide

Thompson opposed amendment to protect the Sanctity of Human Life

Posted June 11, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Life Issues

Documents The Tennessean located in Thompson’s Senate archive at the University of Tennessee show:

• On a 1996 Christian Coalition survey, he checked “opposed” to an amendment to the U.S. Constitution “protecting the sanctity of human life.”

• He included a handwritten clarification: “I do not believe abortion should be criminalized. This battle will be won in the hearts and souls of the American people.”

• In 1996, asked by the Memphis group FLARE (Family, Life, America, Responsible Education Under God Inc.) if human life begins at conception, Thompson circled “N/A.”

Those answers could complicate Thompson’s standing with the Republican Party right wing, which has been bolstered by his seemingly reliable pro-life voting record.


Thompson supported Roe vs. Wade in the 90’s

Posted June 9, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Life Issues

As reported by the the Memphis Commercial Appeal on July 29, 1993 page B1:

Thompson said he supports the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision that established a constitutional right to abortion.

Similarly, in an October 21, 1994 article, The Washington Post reported that “both” Thompson and his Democratic opponent in the 1994 Senate race, then-Rep. Jim Cooper, “believe in legal abortion.”

Thompson Against the Criminalization of Abortion

Posted June 9, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Life Issues

In a debate sponsored by the TV station WDEF of Chattanooga in 1994 Fred Dalton Thompson clearly stated that that the government should not criminalize abortions for convenience and that the matter should be decided by the courts.

Thompson in Favor of First Trimester Abortions in 1994

Posted June 8, 2007 by Barry Boucher
Categories: Life Issues

While running for the United States Senate in 1994 Fred Dalton Thompson filled out a form titled “Congressional 1994 National Political Awareness Test” for project Vote Smart in which he specifically and unequivocally positioned himself in favor of the legalization of First Trimester Abortions.

In the referred form he marked out the following statement as that which represented his position at the time:

Abortions should be legal in all circumstances as long as the procedure is completed within the first trimester of the pregnancy. source